Workbench Add-On
Workbench Add-On - Volume 1.iso
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Text File
1,593 lines
* $VER: PBMGui.config 1.0 (9.2.94)
* 0.6 Correct pnmnlfilt following space
* 0.7 Correct ppmpat
* 1.0 1st version on Aminet
* PBM_GUI Config file
* This file contains all of the NETPBM commands
* plus a few other I had lying about
* mark@topic.demon.co.uk
* mpaddock@cix.compulink.co.uk
* This file is Public Domain
* It probably contains lots of bugs!
* format of file is briefly:
* * comment Comment line
* =LOAD Heading of column (LOAD|PROCESS|SAVE|MISC)
* "command " etc.
* etc. Command (etc. is ignored)
* "Comment" Comment to display
* "Title" Title for list view
* GADGET "Title":"prefix" Gadget - "Title" is gadget title, "prefix" appears on command line
* LFILE "Title":"prefix" Input file string and request - Set up on Process/Save/Misc)
* SFILE "Title":"prefix" Output file string and gadget - Set up on Load/Process/Misc)
* FILE "T":"P":"def" File string and request
* OFILE "T":"P":"def":Y/N Optional file (has checkbox)
* ONUMBER "T":"P":"def":Y/N Optional number (has checkbox)
* NUMBER number
* CYCLE "Title" Cycle gadget, each entry followed by other gadgets
* "value1":"Prefix1"
* "value2":"Prefix2"
* gadgets Only active when item is 2
* "value3":"Prefix3"
* ENDCYCLE:"number" and finished by default value.
* STRING String - used for floating point as well
* OSTRING String with checkbox
* CHECK "T":"P":Y/N default values
" " PBM header
"aktopbm " [atkfile]
"Convert Andrew Toolkit raster to PBM"
"Andrew Toolkit"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"ybmtopbm " [facefile]
"Convert Bennet Yee face file to PBM"
"Bennet Yee face"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"cmuwmtopbm " [bmpfile]
"Convert CMU window manager bitmap to PBM"
"CMU window manager"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"g3topbm " [-kludge] [-reversebits] [-stretch] [g3file]
"Convert Group 3 fax to PBM"
"Fax (Group 3)"
CHECK "Kludge":"-kludge":N
CHECK "ReverseBits":"-reversebits":N
CHECK "Stretch":"-stretch":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"gemtopbm " [-d] gemfile
"Convert GEM .img to PBM"
"GEM .img"
CHECK "Describe":"-d":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"macpttopbm " [-extraskip N] [macpfile]
"Convert MacPaint to PBM"
ONUMBER "ExtraSkip":"-extraskip":"128":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"mgrtopbm " [mgrfile]
"Convert MGR bitmap to PBM"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pi3topbm " [pi3file]
"Convert Atari Degas .pi3 to PBM"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"icontopbm " [iconfile]
"Convert Sun icon to PBM"
"Sun icon"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"texttopbm " [-font fontfile] [text]
"Convert Text icon to PBM"
CYCLE "Input"
LFILE "InputFile":"<":"CONSOLE:"
STRING "Text":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pktopbm " pkfile[.pk] [-c num] pbmfile...
"Convert Packed TEX font file to PBM"
"TEX font"
LFILE "Input":""
ONUMBER "Character":"-c ":"0":N
SFILE "Output":""
"pbmupc " [-s1|-s2] type manufac product
"Create UPC PBM"
CYCLE "Mode"
NUMBER "Type":"":"0"
NUMBER "Manufacturer":"":"00000"
NUMBER "Product":"":"00000"
SFILE "Output":">"
"brushtopbm " [brushfile]
"Convert Xerox doodle brush file to PBM"
"Xerox doodle brush"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"xbmtopbm " [bitmapfile]
"Convert X10/X11 bitmap to PBM"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmmake " [-white|-black|-grey] width height
"Create a bitmap"
"Create PBM"
CYCLE "Colour"
SFILE "Output":">"
" " PGM header
"bioradtopgm " [-image#] [imagedata]
"Convert Biorad confocal to PGM"
ONUMBER "Image":"":"0":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"fitstopgm " [-image N] [FITSfile]
"Convert FITS to PGM"
ONUMBER "Image":"-image ":"0":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"fstopgm " [fsfile]
"Convert Usenix FaceSaver to PGM"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"hipstopgm " [fsfile]
"Convert HIPS to PGM"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"listpmtopgm " [listpmfile]
"Convert List Machine bitmap to PGM"
"Lisp Machine"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"psidtopgm " width height bits/sample [imagedate]
"Convert PostScript 'image' data to PGM"
NUMBER "Width":"":"256"
NUMBER "Height":"":"256"
NUMBER "Bit/sample":"":"1"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"rawtopgm " [-headerskip N] [-rowskip N]
[-tb|-topbottom] [width height] [imagedata]
"Convert raw grey to PPM"
"RAW grey"
ONUMBER "Skipheader":"-skipheader ":"0":N
OSTRING "Rowskip":"-rowskip ":"0":N
CHECK "Bottom-Top":"-tb":N
ONUMBER "Width":"":"256":N
ONUMBER "Height":"":"256":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"spottopgm " [-1|2|3] [firstcol firstline lastcol lastline] inputfile
"Convert SPOT Satellite to PGM"
CYCLE "Colour"
CYCLE "Whole Image"
NUMBER "Firstcol":"":"0"
NUMBER "Firstline":"":"0"
NUMBER "lastcol":"":"3000"
NUMBER "lastline":"":"3000"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pgmcrater " [-number n] [-height|-ysize s] [-width|-xsize s] [-gamma g]
"Create cratered terrain"
"Create Crater"
NUMBER "Number":"-number ":"50000"
NUMBER "Height":"-height ":"256"
NUMBER "Width":"-width ":"256"
STRING "Gamma":"-gamma ":"1.0"
SFILE "Output":">"
"pgmramp " -lr|-tb | -rectangle|-ellipse width height
"Create grayscale ramp"
"Create greyscale"
CYCLE "Mode"
NUMBER "Width":"":"256"
NUMBER "Height":"":"256"
SFILE "Output":">"
" " PPM header
"bmptoppm " [bmpfile]
"Convert BMP file to PPM"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"giftoppm " [-verbose] [-comments] [-image N] [GIFfile]
"Convert GIF file to PPM"
CHECK "Verbose":"-verbose":N
CHECK "Comments":"-comments":N
ONUMBER "Image":"-image ":"0":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"gouldtoppm " [gouldfile]
"Convert Gould scanner file to PPM"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"ilbmtoppm " [-verbose] ILBMfile
"Convert ILBM file to PPM"
CHECK "Verbose":"-verbose":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"imgtoppm " [imgfile]
"Convert Img-whatnot file to PPM"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"mtvtoppm " [mtvfile]
"Convert MTV or PRT file to PPM"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pjtoppm " [paintjet]
"Convert HP PaintJet file to PPM"
"Paintjet (HP)"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pcxtoppm " [pcxfile]
"Convert PCX file to PPM"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pi1toppm " [pi1file]
"Convert Atari Degas .pi1 to PPM"
"pi1 (Degas)"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"picttoppm " [-verbose] [-fullres] [-noheader] [pictfile]
"Convert Macintosh PICT to PPM"
CHECK "Verbose":"-verbose":N
CHECK "Full Res.":"-fullres":Y
CHECK "No Header":"-noheader":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"qrttoppm " [qrtfile]
"Convert QRT to PPM"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"rawtoppm " [-headerskip N] [-rowskip N] [-rgb|-rbg|-grb|-grb|-brg|-bgr]
[-interpixel|-interrow] width height [imagedata]
"Convert raw RGB to PPM"
ONUMBER "Skipheader":"-skipheader ":"":N
ONUMBER "Rowskip":"-rowskip ":"":N
CYCLE "Mode"
CYCLE "Interleave"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"rgb3toppm " redpgmfile greenpgmfile bluepgmfile
"Convert R G B files to PPM"
"R G B"
LFILE "Red":""
LFILE "Green":""
LFILE "Blue":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"sldtoppm " [-adjust] [-dir] [-height|-ysize s] [-info] [-lib|-Lib name]
[-scale s] [-vernose] [-width|-xsize s] [slidefile]
"Convert AutoCAD slide to PPM"
CHECK "Adjust":"-adjust":N
CHECK "Dir":"-dir":N
ONUMBER "Height":"-height ":"256":N
CHECK "Info":"-info":N
OSTRING "lib":"-lib":"":N
OSTRING "Lib":"-Lib":"":N
OSTRING "Scale":"-scale":"1.0":N
CHECK "Verbose":"-verbose":N
ONUMBER "Width":"-width":"256":N
"spctoppm " [spcfile]
"Convert Atari uncompressed Spectrum to PPM"
"Spectrum uncomp."
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"sputoppm " [spcfile]
"Convert Atari uncompressed Spectrum to PPM"
"Spectrum comp."
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"tgatoppm " [-debug] [tgafile]
"Convert TrueVision Targa to PPM"
CHECK "Debug":"-debug":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"ximtoppm " [ximfile]
"Convert Xim to PPM"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"xpmtoppm " [xpmfile]
"Convert X11 pixmap to PPM"
"X11 pixmap"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"yuvsplittoppm " basename width height [-ccir601]
"Convert Y U V files to PPM"
"YUV Seperate(1)"
FILE "Basename":""
NUMBER "Width":"":"256"
NUMBER "Height":"":"256"
CHECK "CCIR601":"-ccir601":N
SFILE "Output":">"
"cyuvtoppm " infile outfile [-iw width] [-ih height] [-z suffix]* [-CCIR601]
"Convert Y U V files to PPM"
"YUV Seperate(2)"
FILE "Basename":""
ONUMBER "Width":"-iw ":"352":N
ONUMBER "Height":"-ih ":"240":N
OSTRING "YSuffix":"-z ":".Y":N
OSTRING "USuffix":"-z ":".U":N
OSTRING "VSuffix":"-z ":".V":N
CHECK "CCIR601":"-CCIR601":N
SFILE "Output":">"
"yuvtoppm " width height [imagedata]
"Convert Abekas YUV to PPM"
"YUV Abekas"
NUMBER "Width":"":"256"
NUMBER "Height":"":"256"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"24toppm " [24file] [ppmfile] [LEAN]
"Convert 24 bit ILBM to PPM"
"24 bit ILBM"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":""
"ppmforge " [-clouds] [-night] [-dimension dimen] [-hour hour]
[-inclination|-tilt angle] [-mesh size] [-power factor]
[-glaciers level] [-ice level] [-saturation sat]
[-seed seed] [-stars fraction] [-xsize|-width width]
[-ysize|-height height]
"Generate random fractal"
"Create fractal"
CYCLE "Type"
OSTRING "Dimension":"-dimension ":"2.2":N
OSTRING "Glaciers":"-glaciers ":"0.75":N
OSTRING "Hour":"-hour ":"":N
OSTRING "Ice":"-ice ":"0.4":N
OSTRING "Inclination":"-tilt ":"":N
ONUMBER "Mesh":"-mesh ":"256":N
OSTRING "Power":"-power ":"1.0":N
ONUMBER "Saturation":"-saturation ":"125":N
ONUMBER "Seed":"-seed ":"":N
OSTRING "Stars":"-stars ":"100":N
ONUMBER "Width":"-width ":"256":N
ONUMBER "Height":"-height ":"256":N
SFILE "Output":">"
"ppmmake " color width height
"Create a pixmap"
"Create PPM"
SFILE "Output":">"
"ppmpat " -gingham2|-g2|-gingham3|-g3|-madras|-tartan|-poles|-squig|-camo|-anticamo width height
"Produce patterned pixelmap"
"Create pattern"
CYCLE "Type"
NUMBER "Width":"":"256"
NUMBER "Height":"":"256"
SFILE "Output":">"
" " PNM header
"giftopnm " [-verbose] [-comments] [-image N] [GIFfile]
"Convert GIF file to PNM"
CHECK "Verbose":"-verbose":N
CHECK "Comments":"-comments":N
ONUMBER "Image":"-image ":"0":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"djpeg -pnm " [-colors N] [-gif] [-pnm] [-quantize N] [-targa] [-blocksmooth] [-grayscale]
[-nodither] [-onepass] [-maxmemory N] [-verbose|-debug] [inputfile]
"Convert JPEG to PNM"
ONUMBER "Colours":"-colors ":"256"
CHECK "Block Smooth":"-blocksmooth":N
CHECK "Grey scale":"-greyscale":N
CHECK "No Dither":"-nodither":N
CHECK "One Pass":"-onepass":N
ONUMBER "Max Mem":"-maxmemory":"1000":N
CHECK "Verbose":"-verbose":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"sirtopnm " [sirfile]
"Convert Solitaire Image Recorder file to PNM"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"rasttopnm " [rastfile]
"Convert Sun rasterfile to PNM"
"Sun raster"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"tifftopnm " [-headerdump] tifffile
"Convert TIFF file to PNM"
CHECK "Dump header":"-headerdump":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"xwdtopnm " [xwdfile]
"Convert X11/X10 Window Dump file to PNM"
"X10/11 window dump"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"zeisstopnm " [-pgm|-ppm] [zeissfile]
"Convert Zeiss confocal file to PNM"
CYCLE "Mode"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
" " PBM header
"pbmtopgm " <width> <height> [pbmfile]
"Convert PBM to PGM"
"Convert to PGM"
NUMBER "Width":"":"1"
NUMBER "Height":"":"1"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmclean " [-connect] [pbmfile]
"Clean PBM"
ONUMBER "Connect":"-":1:N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmlife " [pbmfile]
"PBM life"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmmask " [-expand] [pbmfile]
"Mask PBM"
CHECK "Expand":"-expand":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmpscale " N [pbmfile]
"Scale PBM"
NUMBER "Expand":"":"2"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmreduce " [-floyd|-fs|-threshold] [-value val] N [pbmfile]
"Reduce PBM"
CYCLE "Method"
ONUMBER "Value":"0.5":N
NUMBER "Reduce":"":"2"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
" " PGM header
"pgmtoppm " colorspec [pgmfile]
colorspec1-colorspec2 [pgmfile]
-map mapfile [pgmfile]
"Convert PGM file to PPM"
"Convert to PPM"
CYCLE "Mode"
"One Colour":""
STRING "Colourspec":"":""
"Two Colours":""
STRING "Colorspec1-2":"":""
"Map File":""
FILE "Map file":"-map "
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pgmbentley " [pgmfile]
"Bentleyize a PGM"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pgmedge " [pgmfile]
"Edge-detect a PGM"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pgmenhance " [-N] [pgmfile]
"edge-enhance a PGM"
NUMBER "Level":"-":"9"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pgmnorm " [-bpercent N | -bvalue N] [-wpercent N | -wvalue N] [pgmfile]
"Normalise the contrast of PGM"
"Normalise PGM"
CYCLE "Black"
NUMBER "Percent":"":"2"
NUMBER "Value":"":"10"
CYCLE "White"
NUMBER "Percent":"":"1"
NUMBER "Value":"":"245"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pgmoil " [-n N] [pgmfile]
"Turn PGM to oil painting"
"Oil painting"
NUMBER "Area":"-n ":"3"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pgmtopbm " [-floyd|-fs|-threshold|-dither8|-d8|-cluster3|-c3|-cluster4|-c4|-cluster8|-c8]
[-value val] [pgmfile]
"Convert PGM to PBM"
"Convert to PBM"
CYCLE "Mode"
OSTRING "Value":"-value ":"0.5":N
OSTRING "Value":"-value ":"0.5":N
"Dither 8":"-d8"
"Cluster 3":"-c3"
"Cluster 4":"-c4"
"Cluster 8":"-c8"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pgmtoshd " [pgmfile]
"Convert PGM to AIMGA Composite PPM"
"AMIGA Composite"
LFILE "Input":"<"
SFILE "Output":">"
" " PPM header
"ppmtopgm " [ppmfile]
"Convert PPM to PGM"
"Convert to PGM"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"ppmbrighten " [-n] [-s <+- saturation>] [-v <+- value>] <ppmfile>
"Change Saturation and/or Value"
"Change S&V"
CHECK "Normalise":"-n":Y
ONUMBER "Saturation":"-s ":"0":N
ONUMBER "Value":"-v ":"0":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"ppmdist " [-intensity|-frequency] [ppmfile]
"Convert to simple greyscale"
"Simple greyscale"
CYCLE "Mode"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"ppmdither " [-dim dimension] [-red shades] [-green shades] [-blue shades] [ppmfile]
"Dither to reduce colours"
"Dither down"
NUMBER "Matrix size":"-dim ":"2"
NUMBER "Red":"-red ":"5"
NUMBER "Green":"-green ":"9"
NUMBER "Blue":"-blue ":"5"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"ppmnorm " [-bpercent N | -bvalue N] [-wpercent N | -wvalue N] [ppmfile]
"Normalise the contrast of PPM"
"Normalise PPM"
CYCLE "Black"
NUMBER "Percent":"":"2"
NUMBER "Value":"":"10"
CYCLE "White"
NUMBER "Percent":"":"1"
NUMBER "Value":"":"245"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"ppmquant " [-floyd|-fs] ncolors [ppmfile]
[-floyd|-fs] -map mapfile [ppmfile]
"Quantize colours"
CYCLE "Mode"
"Number of Colours":""
NUMBER "Colours":"":"256"
"Map File":""
FILE "Map file":"-map ":""
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"ppmqvga " [options] [input file]
"Quantize to 256 colours"
CHECK "Dither":"-d":N
CHECK "Quiet":"-q":N
CHECK "Verbose":"-v":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"ppmrelief " [ppmfile]
"Laplacian relief filter"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
" " PNM header
"pnmarith " -add|-subtract|-multiply pnmfile1 pnmfile2
"Perform arithmetic on two PNM files"
LFILE "Input":""
FILE "Second Input":"":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pnmcomp " [-invert] [-xoffN] [-yoffN] [-alpha pgmfile] overlay [pnm-input] [pnm-output]
"Composite two PNM files"
CHECK "Invert":"-invert":N
ONUMBER "XOffset":"-xoff":"0":N
ONUMBER "YOffset":"-yoff":"0":N
OFILE "Alpha mask":"":N
FILE "Overlay":"":""
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":""
"pnmcat " [-white|-black] -leftright|-lr [-jtop|-jbottom] pnmfile ...
[-white|-black] -topbottom|-tb [-jleft|-jright] pnmfile ...
"Concatenate PNM files"
CYCLE "Space fill"
CYCLE "Mode"
"Horizontal Centre":"-lr"
"Horizontal Top":"-lr -jtop"
"Horizontal Bottom":"-lr -jbottom"
"Vertical Centre":"-tb"
"Vertical Left":"-tb -jleft"
"Vertical Right":"-tb -jright"
LFILE "Input1":""
FILE "Input2":""
FILE "Input3":""
FILE "Input4":""
FILE "Input5":""
FILE "Input6":""
FILE "Input7":""
FILE "Input8":""
FILE "Input9":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pnmconvol " convolutionfile[pnmfile]
"General MxN convolution of PNM"
FILE "Convolve":""
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pnmcrop " [pnmfile]
"Crop borders from PNM file"
CYCLE "Background"
CYCLE "Sides"
CHECK "Left":"-left":Y
CHECK "Right":"-right":Y
CHECK "Top":"-top":Y
CHECK "Bottom":"-bottom":Y
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pnmcut " x y width height [pnmfile]
"Cut out rectangle from PNM file"
NUMBER "X":"":"0"
NUMBER "Y":"":"0"
NUMBER "Width":"":"320"
NUMBER "Height":"":"256"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pnmdepth " [pnmfile]
"Change depth of PNM file"
NUMBER "New depth":"":"256"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pnmenlarge " [pnmfile]
"Enlarge PNM file"
NUMBER "Scale":"":"1"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pnmflip " [-leftright|-lr] [-topbottom|-tb] [-transpose|-xy]
[-rotate90|-r90|-ccw] [-rotate270|-r270|-cw] [-rotate180|-r180] [pnmfile]
"Flip PNM file"
CHECK "LeftRight":"-lr":N
CHECK "TopBottom":"-tb":N
CHECK "Transpose":"-xy":N
CHECK "Rotate90":"-r90":N
CHECK "Rotate270":"-r270":N
CHECK "Rotate180":"-r180":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pnmgamma " value [pnmfile]
redvalue greenvalue bluevalue [pnmfile]
"Gamma correct PNM file"
"Gamma correct"
CYCLE "Mode"
"All colours":""
STRING "Value":"":"1.0"
STRING "Red":"":"1.0"
STRING "Gree":"":"1.0"
STRING "Blue":"":"1.0"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pnminvert " [pnmfile]
"Invert PNM file"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pnmnlfilt " alpha radius [pnmfile]
"Non-linear filter PNM file"
"Non-linear filter"
STRING "Alpha":"":"0.0"
STRING "Radius":"":"0.3333"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pnmpad " [-white|-black] [-l#] [-r#] [-t#] [-b#] [pnmfile]
"Pad PNM file"
CHECK "White":"-white":N
ONUMBER "Left":"-l":"0"
ONUMBER "Right":"-r":"0"
ONUMBER "Top":"-t":"0"
ONUMBER "Bottom":"-b":"0"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pnmpaste " [-replace|-or|-and|-xor] frompnmfile x y [intopnmfile]
"Paste PNM file"
CYCLE "Mode"
FILE "Include":""
NUMBER "X":"":"0"
NUMBER "Y":"":"0"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pnmnoraw " [pnmfile]
"Convert to plain format"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pnmrotate " [-noantialias] angle [pnmfile]
"Rotate PNM file"
CHECK "No anti-alias":"-noantialias":N
NUMBER "Angle":"":"0"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pnmscale " s [pnmfile]
-xsize|-width|-ysize|-height s [pnmfile]
-xscale|-yscale s [pnmfile]
-xscale|-xsize|-width s -yscale|-ysize|-height s [pnmfile]
-xysize x y [pnmfile]
"Scale PNM file"
CYCLE "Mode"
"Scale X and Y":""
STRING "factor":"":"1.0"
"Scale X or Y":""
ONUMBER "Width":"-width ":"320":Y
OSTRING "Xfactor":"-xscale ":"1.0":N
ONUMBER "Height":"-height ":"256":Y
OSTRING "Yfactor":"-yscale ":"1.0":N
"Keep Aspect":"-xysize"
STRING "XSize":"":"320"
STRING "YSize":"":"256"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pnmshear " [-noantialias] angle [pnmfile]
"Shear PNM file"
CHECK "No anti-alias":"-noantialias":N
NUMBER "Angle":"":"0"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pnmtile " width height [pnmfile]
"Tile PNM file"
NUMBER "Width":"":"320"
NUMBER "Height":"":"256"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
" " PBM header
" " PGM header
"pgmhist " [pgmfile]
"Print histogram of PGM"
"PGM Histogram"
LFILE "Input":""
FILE "Output":">":"CONSOLE:"
"pgmtexture " [-d d] [pgmfile]
"Calculate features of PGM"
"PGM Features"
NUMBER "Distance":"-d ":1
LFILE "Input":""
FILE "Output":">":"CONSOLE:"
" " PPM header
"ppmhist " [ppmfile]
"Print histogram of PPM"
"PPM Histogram"
LFILE "Input":""
FILE "Output":">":"CONSOLE:"
"ppmtomap " [-sort] [-square] [ppmfile]
"Create colour map"
"Colour map"
CHECK "Sort":"-sort":N
CHECK "Square":"-square":N
LFILE "Input":""
FILE "Output":">":""
"ppmtorgb3 " [ppmfile]
"Convert PPM to 3 PGM RGB"
FILE "Input":""
" " PNM header
"pnmfile " [ppmfile]
"Displays information"
LFILE "Input":""
FILE "Output":">":"CONSOLE:"
" " PBM header
"pbmtoatk " [pbmfile]
"Convert PBM to Andrew Toolkit"
"Andrew Toolkit"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmtoascii " [-1x2|-2x4] [pbmfile]
"Convert PBM to ASCII"
CYCLE "Mode"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmtoybm " [pbmfile]
"Convert PBM to Bennet Yee face"
"Bennet Yee face"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmtobg " [rasterop] [x y] <pbmfile
"Convert PBM to BitGraph graphics"
"BitGraph graphics"
OSTRING "Rasterop":"":N
ONUMBER "X":"":"0":N
ONUMBER "Y":"":"0":N
LFILE "Input":"<"
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmtocmuwm " [pbmfile]
"Convert PBM to CMU window manager"
"CMY window manager"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmtoepsi " [-bbonly] [pbmfile]
"Convert PBM to encapsulated Postscript"
CHECK "JustBound":"-bbonly":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmtoepson " [pbmfile]
"Convert PBM to Epson printer"
"Epson printer"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmtog3 " [pbmfile]
"Convert PBM to Group 3 fax"
"FAX (Group 3)"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmtogem " [pbmfile]
"Convert PBM to GEM .img"
"GEM .img"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmto10x " [-h] [pbmfile]
"Convert PBM to Gemini 10X printer"
"Gemini 10X"
CHECK "Hires":"-h":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmtogo " [pbmfile]
"Convert PBM to GraphOn graphics"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmtolj " [-resolution N] [pbmfile]
"Convert PBM to HP LaserJet"
"HP LaserJet"
ONUMBER "Resolution":"-resolution ":"75":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmtomacp " [-l left] [-r right] [-b bottom] [-t top] [pbmfile]
"Convert PBM to MacPaint"
ONUMBER "Left":"-l ":"0":N
ONUMBER "Right":"-r ":"256":N
ONUMBER "Bottom":"-b ":"256":N
ONUMBER "Top":"-t ":"0":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmtomgr " [pbmfile]
"Convert PBM to MGR bitmap"
"MGR bitmap"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmtopi3 " [pbmfile]
"Convert PBM to Atari Degas .pi3"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmtoplot " [pbmfile]
"Convert PBM to Unix plot"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmtolps " [-dpi n] [pbmfile]
"Convert PBM to PostScript"
ONUMBER "dpi":"-dpi ":"100":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmtoptx " [pbmfile]
"Convert PBM to Printronix printer"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmtoln03 " [-rtlbf] [ppmfile]
"Convert PBM to DEC LN03+ sixel"
"Sixel (PBM)"
NUMBER "Left":"-l ":"0"
NUMBER "Right":"-r ":"2400"
NUMBER "Top":"-t ":"0"
NUMBER "Bottom":"-b":"3400"
NUMBER "Form Length":"-l ":"3400"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmtoicon " [pbmfile]
"Convert PBM to Sun icon"
"Sun icon"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmtopk " pkfile[.pk] tfmfile[.tfm] resolution [-s designsize] [-p num param...]
[-C codingscheme] [-F family] [-f optfile] [-c num] [-W width] [-H height]
[-D depth] [-I ital] [-h horiz] [-v vert] [-x xoff] [-y yoff] [pbmfile]...
"Convert PBM to Packed (PK) TEX font"
"TEX font"
FILE ".pk file":"":""
FILE ".tfm file":"":""
NUMBER "Resolution":"":"300"
ONUMBER "Design size":"-s ":"1":N
OSTRING "Parameters":"-p ":"":N
OSTRING "Coding Scheme":"-C ":"":N
OSTRING "Family":"-F ":"":N
OFILE "Options":"-f ":"":N
ONUMBER "Character":"-c ":"0":N
ONUMBER "Width":"-W ":"1":N
ONUMBER "Height":"-H ":"1":N
ONUMBER "Depth":"-D ":"1":N
ONUMBER "Italic":"-I ":"1":N
ONUMBER "Horiz":"-h ":"0":N
ONUMBER "Vert":"-v ":"0":N
ONUMBER "XOffset":"-x ":"0":N
ONUMBER "YOffset":"-y ":"0":N
LFILE "Input":""
"pbmtox10bm " [pbmfile]
"Convert PBM to X10 bitmap"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmtoxbm " [pbmfile]
"Convert PBM to X11 bitmap"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pbmtozinc " [pbmfile]
"Convert PBM to Zinc bitmap"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
" " PGM header
"pgmtofits " [pgmfile]
"Convert PGM to FITS"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pgmtofs " [pgmfile]
"Convert PGM to Usenix FaceSaver"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pgmtolispm " [pgmfile]
"Convert PGM to Lisp Machinge"
"Lisp Machine"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
" " PPM header
"ppmtoacad " [-dxb] [-poly] [-background colour] [-white]
[-aspect ratio] [-8] [ppmfile]
"Convert PPM to AutoCAD"
CYCLE "Type"
ONUMBER "Background":"-background ":"0":N
CHECK "White":"-white":N
OSTRING "Aspect":"-aspect ":"1.0":N
CHECK "8 Colour":"-8":N
"ppmtobmp " [-windows] [-os2] [ppmfile]
"Convert PPM to BMP"
CYCLE "Type"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"ppmtogif " [-interlace] [-sort] [-map mapfile] [ppmfile]
"Convert PPM to GIF"
CHECK "Interlace":"-interlace":N
CHECK "Sort":"-sort":N
OFILE "Map file":"-map ":"":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"ppmtoicr " [-windowname name] [-expand expand] [-display display]
[-rle] [ppmfile]
"Convert PPM to NCSA ICR"
OSTRING "Window":"-windowname ":"":N
ONUMBER "Expand":"-expand ":"1":N
ONUMBER "Display":"-display ":"0":N
CHECK "RLE":"-rle":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"ppmtoilbm " [-maxplanes|-mp N] [-fixplanes|-fp N] [-ham6|-ham8]
[-dcbits|-dcplanes r g b] [-normal|-hamif|-hamforce -dcif|-dcforce|-cmaponly]
[-ecs|-aga] [-mapppmfile] [ppmfile] (we do not support dcplanes)
"Convert PPM to ILBM"
ONUMBER "Max planes":"-mp ":"5":N
CYCLE "Type"
ONUMBER "Planes":"-fp ":"5":N
"HAM6 if":"-hamif -hamplanes 6"
"HAM6 force":"-hamforce -hamplanes 6"
"HAM8 if":"-hamif -hamplanes 8"
"HAM8 force":"-hamforce -hamplanes 8"
"24bit if":"-24if"
"24bit force":"-24force"
"Direct if":"-dcif"
"Direct force":"-dcforce"
OFILE "Map file":"-map ":"":N
CHECK "Only CMAP":"-cmaponly":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"ppmtomitsu " [-sharpness val] [-enlarge val] [-media string]
[-copy val] [-dpi300] [-tiny] [ppmfile]
"Convert PPM to Mitsubishi S340-10"
"Mistubishi S340-10"
ONUMBER "Sharpness":"-sharpness":"1":N
NUMBER "Enlarge":"-enlarge":"1"
OSTRING "Media":"-media":"":N
NUMBER "Copies":"-copy":"1"
CHECK "300 DPI":"-dpi300":N
CHECK "Tiny":"-tiny":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"ppmtopcx " [ppmfile]
"Convert PPM to PCX"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"ppmtopi1 " [ppmfile]
"Convert PPM to Atari Degas .pi1"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"ppmtopict " [ppmfile]
"Convert PPM to Macintosh PICT"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"ppmtopj " [-gamma val] [-xpos val] [-ypos val] [-back dark|lite] [-rle] [-center]
[-render none|snap|bw|dither|diffuse|monodither|monodiffuse|clusterdither|monoclusterdither]
"Convert PPM to HP PaintJet"
"HP PaintJet"
NUMBER "Gamma":"-gamma ":"0"
ONUMBER "Left":"-xpos":"0":N
ONUMBER "Top":"-ypos":"0":N
CYCLE "Enhance"
"Back dark":"-back dark"
"Back light":"-back light"
CHECK "RLE":"-rle":N
CHECK "Center":"-center":N
CYCLE "Render algorithm"
"None":"-render none"
"Snap":"-render snap"
"BW":"-render bw"
"Dither":"-render dither"
"Diffuse":"-render diffuse"
"Monodither":"-render monodither"
"Monodiffuse":"-render mondiffuse"
"Clusterdither":"-render clusterdither"
"Monoclusterdither":"-render monoclusterdither"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"ppmtopjxl " [-nopack] [-gamma val] [-presentation] [-dark]
[-diffuse] [-cluster] [-dither] [-xshift <s>] [-yshift <s>]
[-xsize|-width|-xscale <s>] [-ysize|-height|-yscale <s>]
"Convert PPM to HP PaintJet XL"
"HP PaintJet XL"
CHECK "Do not pack":"-nopack":N
OSTRING "Gamma":"-gamma":"1.0":N
CYCLE "Dither"
CHECK "Dark":"-dark":N
OSTRING "Left":"-xshift":"":N
OSTRING "Top":"-yshift":"":N
CYCLE "Width"
STRING "Width":"-xsize":""
STRING "XScale":"-xscale":""
CYCLE "Height"
STRING "Height":"-ysize":""
STRING "YScale":"-yscale":""
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"ppmtopuzz " [ppmfile]
"Convert PPM to X11 puzzle"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"ppmtosixel " [-raw] [-margin] [ppmfile]
"Convert PPM to DEC sixel"
"Sixel (PPM)"
CHECK "Raw":"-raw":N
CHECK "Margin":"-margin":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"ppmtotga " [-mono|-cmap|-rgb] [-norle] [ppmfile]
"Convert PPM to TrueVision Targa"
CYCLE "Type"
CHECK "No RLE":"-norle":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"ppmtouil " [-name uilname] [ppmfile]
"Convert PPM to Motif UIL icon"
"Motif UIL Icon"
OSTRING "Name":"-name ":"":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"ppmtoxpm " [-name <xpmname>] [-rgb <rgb-textfile>] [<ppmfile>]
"Convert PPM to X11 pixmap"
"X11 pixmap"
OSTRING "Name":"-name ":"":N
OFILE "RGB":"-rgb ":"":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"ppmtoyuv " [ppmfile]
"Convert PPM to Abekas YUV"
"Abekas YUV"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"ppmtoyuvsplit " basename [ppmfile]
"Convert PPM to Y,U,V files"
"YUV seperate(1)"
LFILE "Input":""
FILE "Basename":"":""
"ppm2cyuv " infile outfile [-z suffix]* [-CCIR601]
"Convert PPM to Y U V files"
"YUV Seperate(2)"
LFILE "Input":""
OSTRING "YSuffix":"-z ":".Y":N
OSTRING "USuffix":"-z ":".U":N
OSTRING "VSuffix":"-z ":".V":N
CHECK "CCIR601":"-CCIR601":N
FILE "Basename":""
"PPMto24 " <PPMfile> <24BitFile>
"Convert PPM to 24 bit ILBM"
"24 ILBM"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":""
"PPMprev " <PPMfile> [Lace] [Small]
"Preview PPM file"
LFILE "Input":""
CHECK "Lace":"Lace":N
CHECK "Small":"Small":N
" " PNM header
"cjpeg " [-quality N] [-grayscale] [-optimize] [-targa] [-restart N]
[-smooth N] [-maxmemory N] [-verbose] [-qtables file] [-sample Hxv[,...]] [inputfile]
"Convert PNM to JPEG"
ONUMBER "Quality ":"":"75"
CHECK "Greyscale":"-greyscale":N
CHECK "Optimize":"-optimize":N
OSTRING "Restart":"-restart ":"10":N
ONUMBER "Smooth":"-smooth ":"50":N
ONUMBER "Max Mem":"-maxmemory ":"100":N
CHECK "Verbose":"-verbose":N
OFILE "Quant Table":"-qtables ":"":N
OSTRING "Sample Factors":"-sample ":"":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pnmtops " [-scale s] [-turn|-noturn] [-rle|-runlength] [-dpi n]
[-width n] [-height n] [pnmfile]
"Convert PNM to PostScript"
OSTRING "Scale":"-scale ":"1.0":N
CYCLE "Turn"
"If required":""
CHECK "RLE":"-rle":N
ONUMBER "DPI":"-dpi ":"300":N
OSTRING "Width":"-width ":"8.5":N
OSTRING "Height":"-height ":"11":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pnmtosir " [pnmfile]
"Convert PNM to Solitaire Image Recorder file"
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pnmtorast " [-standard|-rle] [pnmfile]
"Convert PNM to Sun rasterfile"
"Sun raster"
CHECK "Standard":"-standard":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pnmtotiff " [-none|-packbits|-lzw|-g3|-g4] [-2d] [-fill] [-predictor n]
[-msb2lsb|-lsb2msb] [-rowsperstrip n] [pnmfile]
"Convert PNM to TIFF"
CYCLE "Pack mode"
ONUMBER "Predictor":"-predictor ":"1":N
"Group 3":"-g3"
CHECK "2d":"-2d":N
CHECK "Fill":"-fill":N
"Group 4":"-g4"
CHECK "LSB to MSB":"-lsb2msb":N
ONUMBER "Rows per strip":"-rowsperstrip ":"8":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"
"pnmtoxwd " [-pseudodepth n] [-directcolor] [pnmfile]
"Convert PNM to X11 window dump"
"X11 window dump"
ONUMBER "Depth":"-pseudodepth ":"8":N
CHECK "DirectColor":"-directcolor":N
LFILE "Input":""
SFILE "Output":">"